AK e book oh AK e book

Who is AK??

Singapore blogger who is very successful investor in managing his money and retired with 6 figure annual passive income.

Must read his ebook:

Chapter 1:
My family almost went bankrupt.

Why am I the way I am? 

We are all products of our past experience.

Chapter 2:
Life was difficult and I wondered if Santa existed.

Be self-reliant. 

No one is going to help us if we don't help ourselves.

Chapter 3:
To retire by 45, start with a plan!

What I have today started with a plan.

Want to achieve financial freedom? Have a plan.

Chapter 4:
Secret of my success.

Our philosophy in life will guide all our decisions.

Having the right philosophy is essential.

Chapter 5:
6 digits annual passive income.

It is mostly a lot of work but luck plays a part.

This is the honest truth.

Chapter 6:
How to make $1 million investing for income.

Do the right things and time will do the rest.

Be patient.

Chapter 7:
A wealth building strategy that has worked.

We cannot predict but we can prepare.

I will be happy if my story is able to inspire many more readers to seek financial freedom.

Source: http://singaporeanstocksinvestor.blogspot.my/2017/10/e-book-on-ak-investor-in-7-chapters.html

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