Due to inflation, no choice have to source for cheaper gas supplier.
Here come beli gas.
BeliGas: Malaysian Startup Delivering Affordable LPG Gas Cylinders (vulcanpost.com)
***By working directly with LPG gas suppliers, BeliGas is able to offer low prices. Their standardised prices for a 14kg cylinder delivery across 123 service areas within the Klang Valley are:
Pre-order 1 day before: RM25.60
Same-day order, standard delivery between 9AM-6PM: RM26.60
Same-day order, but urgent delivery in 1 hour: RM29.60
Same-day order, but delivery after 8PM: RM38.60
If your delivery requires them to walk up stairs or use the lifts in apartments or condos, there will be an RM3 surcharge.***
RM 26.60, previously I bought RM 32.
My Usage record
16 Nov 2020
30 Jan 2021 (76 days)
26 April 2021 (87 days)
13 July 2021 (78 days)
28 Sept 2021 (78 days)
16 Dec 2021 (80 days)
19 March 2022 (90 days)
Average usage about 80 days for 14 Kg.