P1 wimax and Island red cafe finally at Mahkota Cheras

P1 wimax finally offer wimax at Mahkota Cheras and Sg Long. For those who stay in Mahkota Cheras, if you do not have streamyx, please go and apply P1.

The cheapest package is RM 49.

P1 Wimax Charges (Assume RM 49 package)
Upload: 150 kbps
Download: 400 kbps
Modem: RM 199
Registrations Fee:RM100 (1st Bill)
Activaton Fee:RM60 (1st Bill)
Paper Bills :RM5 (Optional for home plan)
Total : RM 209 ( Still Cheaper and better)
Disadvantage: 5 Gb Threshold ( You only can download maximum 5 Gb of movie, music)

Streamyx Charges: (Assume RM 60 package)
Upload: 128 kbps
Download: 384 kbps
Modem: RM 150
Installation Fee:RM88 (1st Bill, optional if you know how to install)
Activaton Fee:RM75 (1st Bill)
A one-month subscription fee (from date of service activation)
An advance charge of the 2nd month subscription fee.
Total: RM 285 (Expensive and Services Damn Poor)

Limpeh still tide together with streamyx for 10 months else I already using P1.

This contract is very GOOD and SMART strategy to lock in any potential out customer.

More: http://www.p1.com.my/wimax/packages_ref.aspx

ISLAND RED CAFE is here, Have you become a member. I already a member, now I can spend my money.