The cheapest package is RM 49.
P1 Wimax Charges (Assume RM 49 package)
Upload: 150 kbps
Download: 400 kbps
Modem: RM 199
Registrations Fee:RM100 (1st Bill)
Activaton Fee:RM60 (1st Bill)
Paper Bills :RM5 (Optional for home plan)
Total : RM 209 ( Still Cheaper and better)
Disadvantage: 5 Gb Threshold ( You only can download maximum 5 Gb of movie, music)
Streamyx Charges: (Assume RM 60 package)
Upload: 128 kbps
Download: 384 kbps
Modem: RM 150
Installation Fee:RM88 (1st Bill, optional if you know how to install)
Activaton Fee:RM75 (1st Bill)
A one-month subscription fee (from date of service activation)
An advance charge of the 2nd month subscription fee.
Total: RM 285 (Expensive and Services Damn Poor)
Limpeh still tide together with streamyx for 10 months else I already using P1.
This contract is very GOOD and SMART strategy to lock in any potential out customer.
ISLAND RED CAFE is here, Have you become a member. I already a member, now I can spend my money.