Dr M: Pakatan will win Perak on polls

Dr M: Pakatan will win Perak on polls
Andrew Ong May 14, 09 12:54pm
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that any snap state election in Perak would only see a victory for rivals Pakatan Rakyat.

"I think the opposition... well not the opposition... I think that Pakatan is going to win. So why have an election? We already had an election," Mahathir told reporters in Cyberjaya today.

As such he added that there was no need for Barisan Nasional to be calling for a state election to settle the ongoing political turmoil in the state.

He said that apart from the fact that the result would be a foregone conclusion, the elections would also be a waste of public money.

"The voters had previously decided but then we had some defections," he said.

He however welcomed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's willingness to talk with Pakatan to solve the crisis.

Earlier today Najib said that he was willing to talk to Pakatan on the conditions that there should not be pre-conditions as the meeting should be open in order to explore all possibilities.