Legality of Gated and Guarded Communities

Recently the taman that I stay force me to pay RM 50 for security reason. I am very angry cos when I buy the house it is not gated and guarded.
Why should I pay?
Now they force those who didn't pay to open the gate themselve. I think it is too much and under the instruction of the committee.
So you do this, I will react back.
This is what I found out.
Put your horse come. Limpeh not afraid.
But should I pay the rm50 by supporting the community? Dilemma???
Legality of Gated and Guarded Communities

It is unlawful to privately attempt to restrict or regulate public spaces without the approval of the relevant authority. Any attempt to close, barricade or restrict the access of a public road, drain or space, there may be a contravention of Sections 46(1) of Street Drainage and Building Act 1974, Section 80 of the Road Transport Act 1987 and Section(s) 62 and 136 of the National Land Code 1965. In addition, provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 may also be violated where guard houses are built in the public land or road shoulders. For example, Section 46(1) of the Street Drainage and Building Act 1974 provides that any person can be held liable if he:-

a. builds, erects, set up to maintain or permit to be built, erected or set up or maintained any wall, fence, rail, or any accumulation of any substance, or other obstruction, in any public place;
b. without the prior written permission of the local authority, covers over or obstructs any open drain or aqueduct along the side of any street;

There is no problem with private security patrolling public roads in a housing scheme under the employment of the residents’ associations. Nevertheless, the local authority and the police should be consulted first. It has to be noted that erecting structures to restrict access to public roads or guardhouses is another matter and would violate the law unless the relevant authority gives its approval to do so.

In recognition of a growing problem of security, various local authorities and state governments have issued guidelines for guarded communities. These guidelines do allow erection of guard houses and the employment of private security based on the consent by the residents in the area affected.

For example, in Selangor, the Housing and Property Board and the local authorities allow guard houses to be built based on certain guidelines amongst which include:-

i. Applications made through Resident Association (RA) only;
ii. Consent by 85% of the residents;
iii. Agreement must be made between RA and Local Authority;
iv. Guard house without barrier are allowed and the location should not obstruct traffic (situated at road shoulder only);
v. The size of the guard house should not exceed 6ft x 8ft or other sizes that the Local Authority thinks fit and suitable;
vi. The location and design of the guard house must be approved by the Local Authority;
vii. A written consent from Local Authority and Land Administrator (LA) for the construction of guard house on reserved road/vacant land must first be obtained;
viii. Appointed security guards must be registered with Ministry of Home Affairs or with other relevant agencies;
ix. Not to prevent/obstruct passing vehicles from entering the guarded area; and
x. LA and other utility companies are free to conduct their maintenance work in the guarded area.

The authorities do sometimes “turn a blind eye” to allow some form of limited barriers so long as it is backed by an overwhelming support of the local residents and it does not deny access (they are denying my access which is wrong) nor unduly obstruct traffic.

The recent amendments to the Strata Titles Act 1985 (with effect from April 12th , 2007) by the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007 now allows a gated and guarded communities to be statutorily created and regulated more effectively like other types of strata schemes. As such, land parcels with buildings are no longer needed to be governed by the Strata Titles Act, in the same way as a high-rise building if a developer chooses to do so. This means that for the purposes of the Strata Titles Act 1985, land parcels with buildings can in certain circumstances be treated like a multi-storey building lying down on its side. There are several important qualifications though.

The effect of the Strata Titles (Amendment) Act 2007, is that only buildings of not more than four storey may be erected on the land parcels intended to be subdivided and held under separate strata titles, or an accessory parcel.

Furthermore, any DMC entered into between the developer and a purchaser of a parcel in a gated and guarded community scheme agreement can be now easily enforced by the bylaws under the Strata Titles Act 1985.

The enforcement and management can now also be carried out under the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007, when the Management Corporation has not come into existence. This is a huge step forward from the past practice which was problematic to say the least.

Surat Pekeliling Larangan IC

BIL. 2 TAHUN 2007
Semua Syarikat Kawalan Keselamatan,
1. Tujuan Surat Pekeliling Agensi Persendirian Bil. 2/2007 ini adalah untuk memaklumkan kepada semua Syarikat Kawalan Keselamatan berkenaan garis panduan penyimpanan dokumen identiti pelawat yang memasuki premis seperti kondominium, kawasan perumahan dan komuniti berpagar di seluruh negara.

2. Kementerian ini telah menerima laporan dan aduan daripada orang awam mengenai amalan syarikat kawalan keselamatan persendirian yang meminta dan menyimpan dokumen identiti seperti kad pengenalan, pasport dan lesen memandu milik para pelawat sebelum dibenarkan memasuki premis mereka. Amalan ini bertujuan untuk memastikan identiti semua pelawat yang masuk direkodkan dan dipantau demi keselamatan dan ketenteraman penduduk di premis berkenaan.

3. Amalan ini dilakukan oleh syarikat kawalan keselamatan adalah berdasarkan kepada peraturan dalaman yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak pengurusan premis tempat mereka bekerja atau pun pihak majikan. Terdapat aduan daripada orang awam yang tidak puas hati dengan amalan ini kerana ia boleh membawa kepada insiden tidak diingini seperti pencurian identiti dan pemalsuan dokumen.

4. Berdasarkan aduan tersebut, Kementerian telah membuat semakan dari sudut perundangan sama ada amalan yang dibuat oleh syarikat kawalan keselamatan ini boleh diteruskan atau dihentikan. Terdapat dua (2) peruntukan undang-undang dalam Peraturan-Peraturan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan 1990 [P.U. (A) 472/1990] yang menyentuh berkenaan dengan pengeluaran dan pemeriksaan dokumen identiti seperti kad pengenalan, pasport dan lesen memandu milik para pelawat iaitu sebagaimana yang berikut:

4.1 Peruntukan Peraturan 7 Peraturan-Peraturan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan 1990 memperuntukkan bahawa hanya seorang pegawai pendaftaran, pegawai polis, pegawai kastam, pegawai tentera atau pegawai lain yang diberi kuasa bertulis oleh Ketua Pengarah Pendaftaran sahaja yang dibenarkan untuk meminta dan memeriksa identiti seseorang dengan mengemukakan kad pengenalan.

4.2 Di bawah Peraturan 8A memperuntukkan bahawa adalah menjadi suatu kesalahan jenayah bagi mana-mana orang selain dari pegawai-pegawai yang dinamakan di peraturan 7 untuk secara tidak munasabahnya menahan kad pengenalan milik orang lain.

5. Berdasarkan peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut jelas menyatakan bahawa hanya pegawai yang diberi kuasa di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan 1990 sahaja boleh untuk meminta dan memeriksa dokumen identiti seseorang itu. Kesalahan juga dikenakan kepada mana-mana orang selain daripada pegawai-pegawai yang dinamakan dalam peraturan 7 untuk secara tidak munasabahnya menahan kad pengenalan milik orang lain. Oleh yang demikian, amalan pegawai keselamatan menyimpan kad pengenalan milik pelawat adalah bertentangan dengan peruntukan undang-undang.

6. Sehubungan itu, Kementerian ini meminta semua syarikat kawalan keselamatan memberhentikan serta-merta amalan menyirnpan dokumen sekuriti pelawat yang memasuki premis persendirian seperti kondominium dan komuniti berpagar seperti yang diamalkan. Syarikat kawalan keselamatan hanya boleh meminta dokumen identiti pelawat semata-mata bagi tujuan semakan dan rekod kemasukan ke premis dan kemudian mengembalikannya kepada pelawat selepas identiti mereka direkodkan.

7. Selain daripada itu, semua syarikat kawalan keselamatan yang mengeluarkan peraturan dalaman untuk kawalan sesuatu premis kediaman awam hendaklah mengemukakan peraturan tersebut kepada Kementerian ini bagi tujuan semakan dan kelulusan sebelum sesuatu peraturan itu berkuat kuasa.

8. Surat Pekeliling ini dikeluarkan selaras dengan Seksyen 18, Akta Ejensi Persendirian 1971 bagi tujuan untuk mempertingkatkan lagi perkhidmatan syarikat kawalan keselamatan persendirian.

9. Kegagalan mematuhi Surat Pekeliling Agensi Persendirian Bil. 2 Tahun 2007 ini boleh menyebabkan syarikat dikenakan tindakan di bawah Akta Ejensi Persendirian 1971.

Surat Pekeliling Agensi Persendirian Bil. 2/2007 ini berkuat kuasa serta-merta mulai tarikh ia dikeluarkan.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Saya yang menurut perintah,
Ketua SetiausahaKementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri
Tarikh : 25 September 2007
s.k. Persatuan Perkhidmatan Kawalan Keselamatan Malaysia (PPKKM)
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