5 reason to withdraw your EPF Account 1 and invest in unit trust

How could I miss????So which unit trust I will invest, of course I think I will choose public mutual.

Which fund?? Still thinking.
Let see what fund approved:


    Equity Fund
    Bond Fund

  • Public Select Bond Fund
    Equity Fund (Shariah)
    Balanced Fund (Shariah)
    Fixed Income Fund (Shariah)
    Money Market Fund (Shariah)

  • Public Islamic Money Market Fund

    • For investment in unit trust, you would only be charged for the service at 3%. That is 2% less compare to make a fake RM 2,000 receipt. Normally easy money would go fast but for hard earn money, it would be last. Using your EPF money for a something else? That would be NO, NO, NO and NO! The EPF main objective is to save your money for your own use during your golden time.

      So for everyone that always asked this kind of questions. ………

      Is it worth to withdraw EPF saving for unit trust investment?
      Here are some facts and tips that you should take note for investing in unit trust using EPF saving Account 1.

      1. No need to use your pocket money.
      Use your monthly salary for you routine monthly commitment. Bills, hire purchase, housing loan, groceries etc. The investment is derived directly via your EPF Account 1, you don’t have to pay anything for investment using EPF saving.

      2. Hassle free.
      Look for any unit trust agent and they would do everything for you, from A to Z. Filling the form, submission and everything they would do it for you.

      3. The power is in your hand.
      This is the most feature part - you can decide and set your profit target. You know that EPF average dividend is 6% p.a. but with unit trust investment you can get up to 10% p.a. So the power is in your hand to control your EPF saving for your golden time, your money you decide. Do switching when an aggressive fund makes a profit at a high NAV to money market/bond fund to lock your profit and switch back to aggressive fund once the NAV price at low to get more units.

      4. Do DCA technique using EPF saving.
      Since EPF allow contributor to withdraw once in 3 months. So you can get more units by top up your fund using EPF saving. The best time to top up is when your fund is loss in -10% to -15%. By doing this, you can minimize your loss and maximize your profit.

      5. Variety
      You can choose different type of fund with unit trust that suits your investment strategy that matches your objective and lifestyle. Normally for younger EPF contributor, I would encourage to invest in aggressive fund. Since the time horizon will be long, therefore it helps to low your investment risk in aggressive fund at the same time it would give you a higher return.

      Source:  http://www.duastats.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=25%3Atechnology&id=43%3Awhy-should-i-withdraw-my-epf-to-invest-in-unit-trust&Itemid=7

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