3rd way of shopping oh 3rd way of shopping

In today’s everyday life, consumers may feel that the only way to make large purchases is through credit cards or using the cash in their account. We have a lot of wants and needs. Some of my wants and needs are:

1)      Samsung Galaxy S4

2)      A trip to Tokyo

3)    Quad core PC etc

But, can we afford to have all of it? 3rd way of shopping allows you to buy the things you want without having to use your credit card or spend your cold hard cash.

How does it work?

Assume I want a trip to Tokyo which cost RM 1850.00

1)      Wish list – Tokyo RM 1850.00

2)      Period to achieve – 12 months, each month need to save RM 155

3)      2% interest on RM 1850.00 – RM 37

4)      Get Cash reward when you achieve your wish list (RM 2 for RM 500 Saved) – up to RM 20

5)      You can go to Tokyo after 12 months.

This is a “FORCE SAVING” to fulfil your dream rather than let your dream remains a dream. 

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