By Lim Boon Ping, on 01-03-2009 15:38
(1) Always READ the Proclamation of Sales (POS) carefully, as it will denote few important details such as :
- the earnest money payable to
- terms and condition
- who's paying the maintenance fees, sinking fund,indah water (IWK), assessment and quit rent and utility bills owed?
(2) Watch out for syndicate
- don't worry about them, just ignore them and make your bid, they are NOT genuine bidder
(3) Watch out for timing
- especially for highcourt cases, always make sure your solicitor can complete the transfer within the prescribed time, usually 90 days or 120 days, if not, your 10% earnest money will be forfeited without questions
(4) Watch out for *caveat*
- always do a title search before auction date, should u find any caveat lodged against the property, the BEST way is to buy CASH. If you are thinking of getting partly funding from the banks for the caveated property, think twice.
(5) Watch out for the previous ownings
- always check and verify the prevous owner's owning to the Management Corporation, Indah Water, assessment , quit rent and utility authority.
- In most cases, the bank will be responsible to maintenance fees, quit rent and assessment,however, this is not automatic, please always check with bankers or POS.
(6) Auction property is always sold without vacant possession
- it simply means that it the property is tenanted, you got to let the existing tenant to continue occupy the premises until the end of the tenancy period, however, i would always advise you to sign a brand new tenancy agreement with the tenant.