My Unit Trust Investment

Yesterday I received my statement for OSK-UOB investment. Below is my details:

1) OSK-UOB Smart Tresure Fund
EPF Plan

Initiate Invesment = RM 5 k
Now = RM 4933.95

Profit/Loss: Loss acceptable

2) OSK-UOB Malaysia Dividend Fund
EPF Plan

Initiate Invesment = RM 5 k
Now = RM 4990.53

Profit/Loss: Loss acceptable

3) OSK-UOB Global New Star Fund
Cash Plan

Initiate Invesment = RM 2 k
Now = RM 1056.31

Profit/Loss: Loss unacceptable (50% loss KANASAI)

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thanks for sharing, unit trust of course at least more than 5 years and when got acceptable level of profit then take out

It would be more interesting if you could show when did you start investing? How is it compared to relevant bench mark? etc