Procedure to deliver baby at PUTRAJAYA HOSPITAL

I have nothing to do, so send an email to them and inquiry, cos my friend kena scolded by them.  Very efficient in replying email. ( 1 day nia) Below is the reply from them:

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia,

With your reference to your email for your kind perusal on the info for Pregnancy Check Up and Delivery At Putrajaya Hospital.

2. For your information, Hospital Putrajaya do not offer pregnancy check up service as our hospital is more concentrating on high risk medical cases and the patients which categorised under those cases need to have Referral Letter to do the check up at our hospital. It is advisable that you go to the nearest Health Clinic for your pregnancy check up. If there are any problems on your pregnancy, the doctor may refer you to the hospital.

3. For delivery, you can come to the hospital for delivery booking (Name Registration) on Monday and Friday only at office hours. Please bring along your referral letter. For more information, kindly contact the Obstetric and Gynaecology Clinic at 03-83124309.

4. We hope that the information given suited to your enquiries. Please contact us for more details.

Thank you.


Saya yang menurut perintah,

Pen.Peg.Penerangan (PRO)
Unit Perhubungan Awam
Jabatan Pengurusan Hospital Putrajaya
b/p Pengarah Hospital Putrajaya

Tel: 03-83124200 ext 4371
Fax: 03-88880357

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