Aminvestment call warrant DAMN Expensive

No wonder today all ang ang
Unisem-CA drop from 0.15 to 0.125
Gamuda CL drop from 0.15 to 0.13
Mudajaya-CB drop from 0.175 to 0.11
TM CN drop from 0.15 to 0.15 flat

Aminvestment THINK that INVESTOR are water fish.

4 new call warrants from AM Investment Bank was listed today (4 Aug 2010):

New Warrants Expiration Type Ex Price Ratio
MUDAJYA-CB 25/03/2011 Call MYR 5.6500 8 : 1
GAMUDA-CL 25/03/2011 Call MYR 3.3300 3 : 1
UNISEM-CA 25/03/2011 Call MYR 2.1800 4 : 1  
TM-CN 25/03/2011 Call MYR 3.3200 3 : 1

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Take Mudajaya CB as an example. Prior to opening. CB was offered at RM0.175 when the underlying share was RM5.08, CB was sold at 39% premium with an implied volatility of 98%! it is ridiculous. Investment bank really treat investors as big big waterfish. At this morning's closing price of underlying and CB of 4.99 and 0.105 respectively, CB is still selling at a high premium of 30% with a gearing of 6 and an implied volatility of 65%.