Bjcorp CC 5th day Closing Price ( LAST DAY)

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Type of Securities : Structured Warrants
Type of Structured Warrants : Call Warrants
Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price : MYR 1.0000
Exercise/ Conversion Ratio : 2:1
Settlement Type/ Convertible into : Cash
Last Date & Time for Trading : 03/06/2011 05:00 PM
Date & Time of Suspension : 06/06/2011 09:00 AM
Last Date & Time for Transfer into Depositor's CDS a/c : 08/06/2011 04:00 PM
Date & Time of Expiry : 08/06/2011 09:01 AM
Date & Time of Delisting : 09/06/2011 09:00 AM

Need to track the 5 day average price:

5th day 8th June (wednesday) 1.181 - so bjcorp cc worth 0.0905
4th day 7th June (tuesday) 1.188 - so bjcorp cc worth 0.094
3rd day 6th June (monday) 1.176 - so bjcorp worth  0.088
2nd day 3rd June (friday)  - 1.188 - so bjcorp cc worth 0.094
1st day 2nd June (thurday)  - 1.162 - so bjcorp cc worth 0.081

So my Bjcorp CC will be 0.0905+0.094+0.088+0.094+0.081 / 5 =

0.0895, luckily didn't sell at 0.085 at the market closing price. Another learning journey for me.