Sekejap Mau Sekejap Tak Mau - Latexx-YTY merger called off

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Those who buy for merger kena liao, KLSE memang boleh, I kena before by IJMLAND, say want to merge with MRCB but call off also... KANASAI, malaysia market.

Written by Surin Murugiah of
Friday, 22 July 2011 19:11

KUALA LUMPUR: The much hyped YTY Industry Holdings Sdn Bhd's offer to merge its four wholly-owned glove-making subsidiaries with LATEXX PARTNERS BHD [] has been called off as the offer lapsed on July 22.

In a filing Friday, July 22, Alliance Investment Bank Bhd on behalf of Latexx said YTY had in writing expressed its intention not to continue with the proposed merger estimated at RM1.25 billion.

The investment bank said that after conducting an operational due diligence and further assessment on the YTY Group, Latexx had on July 21 engaged with the shareholders of YTY (Vendors) to present its findings and indicate its intention to make a further revised offer.

“After considering the company’s feedback, the Vendors had on July 22, written to the company expressing their intention not to extend and continue with the proposed merger.

“Hence, the offer lapses today,” it said.

Latex fell 11 sen to RM2.18 with 16.44 million shares traded.

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So who's next???? I see Sapcrest-Kencana will be next. Now both cash rich and when merge become cash why go for the merge.