Hoya Blue Control Spectacles oh Hoya Blue Control Spectacles

My spectacles/glasses is very blur.

It's time for me to change spectacles.

So today I go and visit the spectacles shop in Cheras Perdana. My power about +-400.

Normal UV lense - RM 80 per pairs

Hitop Blue filter - RM 180 per pairs

websites: http://www.hitoplens.com/index.aspx?uc=products_prodlist&CateID=10


Neo Blue
 • Refractive Index: 1.58
• Anti-Reflection Coated (Multicoated)
• UV400 (100%) Protection
• Protection from Infra-Red
• Eliminates Static Electricity
• Provides Electro Magnetic Interference Shielding
• Light-Weight and Hardness of Surface
• Anti-Water (Water Resistance)
• Neo Blue Light

Frame depends on you, - my total damage is RM 330.

A check on my record of my history of spectacles:

2009 - RM 200
2011 - RM 230
2016 - RM 330 - initially quote me RM 355, after bargain is RM 330.

Almost averagely 5 years only change 1 spectacles.

My power:
Right: -3.25, -0.50, 70
Left: -4.25, -0.75, 120

A little bit about Hoya Blue light Control Lens - launch in October 2013 - this one RM 300++


More details:

What is Visible Blue Ray?
“Visible Blue Rays” are visible light (light rays that can be detected by the human retina)with the short wavelength (380-500nm). Light rays with shorter wavelengths emit higher energy. People of all ages and professions can easily exposed to visible blue rays in the modern daily city life.

How do visible blue rays affect me?
City dwellers spend half their time or more on digital products daily. The screens of these products emits strong visible blue rays.
Visible blue rays have short wavelengths and high energy. They can pass through the front part of the eyes easier than other light rays, reaching the macula of the retina andmay cause damages to the eyes.
In addition, the shorter wavelengths of visible blue rays disperse more inside the eyes, causing discomfort and reducing image clarity and contrast.
Long-term use of digital products that emit visible blue rays can cause fatigue easily, reduce concentration, and can even cause blurred vision.

How do visible blue rays affect me?
City dwellers spend half their time or more on digital products daily. The screens of these products emits strong visible blue rays.
Visible blue rays have short wavelengths and high energy. They can pass through the front part of the eyes easier than other light rays, reaching the macula of the retina andmay cause damages to the eyes.
In addition, the shorter wavelengths of visible blue rays disperse more inside the eyes, causing discomfort and reducing image clarity and contrast.
Long-term use of digital products that emit visible blue rays can cause fatigue easily, reduce concentration, and can even cause blurred vision.

Blue Block Lenses are most suitable for officeworkers. it blocks visible blue rays that cause discomfort and protect your eyes.The lenses block visible blue rays effectively, reducing harms to the macula.
Key benefits to users:
- Increase contrast and relieve stress
- Reduce visible blue rays that enter your eyes, and decrease color dispersion and discomfort, giving you images with higher contrast.

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