Car Tyre oh Car Tyre

Today I go to tire shop to change my tire.

Brand: Silverstone M3

Tyre Size: 185/60R/14

Price: RM 123

Labour: RM 10

Why this tyre?

So why Synergy M3? when there is so much more to choose from. In respect to Silverstone, below would be Synergy M3s' data and claims.

The Result shows that for a normal and equivalent size tyre had a higher rolling resistance, which meant that more power is required from the engine to turn each wheels, but with M3 installed, rolling resistance dropped and in theory fuel efficiency had increased to 6.2%

During the vulcanization process, Silverstones' engineers managed to come up with an innovative steel mesh design as well as the compression chamber during the forming process, which in result helps catalyst the optimization of radial and lateral compression of tyre structure, thus creates a lightweight but durable tyre. 

Due to most of the noted factors above, Synergy M3 possess pliant sidewalls that aided the absorbency of unwanted random lateral movement due to road irregularities, thus diminishes motion triggered sickness.

To further increase grip factor between the contacting surfaces of Synergy M3 with the road pavement and to reduce rolling resistance, Silverstone utilizes their specially formulated rubber compound with their very own unique blend of polymer

by claim, Synergy M3 provides better and soothing ride, although it may look ordinary, but M3's tread pattern is deliberately designed to minimize energy loss due to shuffling of tread pattern elements during service.