Happy New Year 2022 oh Happy New Year 2022

 I wish all my reader Happy New Year 2022.

What have I archived in 2021?

a) Health
- not much, neck and shoulder on and off twisted
- no sore throat
- Didn't get Covid-19 - that the best 2021
- done 2 time antigen rapid test kit (RTK-Ag) - both also negative
- Got my Booster shot on 29 Nov 2021

b) Work
- as usual, teach online
- no Bonus, no Increment
- But thankful still have JOB.

c) Money
- share market sucks
- plan to buy a property but failed because I still have a 90% quota
- attended a property conference to buy bulk deal but look not so promising
- Bought a 2nd hand persona from Carsome by trade in MyVi
Do compare the 2nd hand car price with MyTUKAR and Carsome. They will try to match each other price.
- SETTLE my HIRE PURCHASE - Car loan, no more car loan, DSR better

DSR = (Debt/Net Income) X 100



P/S: If you find yourself still struggling with figuring out your score, you can search on Google for a suitable DSR calculator to help you out!

For individuals, the lower your DSR, the better. My DSR about 30%. (abt 10% drop with car loan)

- Persona Car kena bang by rubbish Truck on the heavy rain day(18th December), still not yet fix

What about you?

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