Nescafe 3 in 1, 30 packet is RM 11 now. (*Scream*)
Whether you agree or disagree, you need to know why you hold a position.
To make more money, hope that it will rebounce back.
If you can't articulate the "against," how can you be sure you truly understand the "for"?
No comment, too deep for me.
While the markets had started to rally in April and early May, the spike in oil prices fuelled fears of faster inflation and triggered a threat of coming rate hikes from the Fed and the ECB. In turn, all these events weighed down equity markets around the world. However, as we have tried to show in this paper:
a) The inflation threat is very different between countries. At most risk today are the Middle East, India and Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, inflation is far less of a threat in the US, Japan and North Asia.
Malaysia not included hor!!!
b) Given the fact that the forces behind the recent pick-up in inflation are now turning around (strong willingness to take risk amongst financial firms, growing US current account deficits, overall weakness in the US$), inflation could well start abating in the coming quarters. Moreover, with the turnaround in velocity and the implosion in the banking systems, it seems increasingly likely that neither the Fed, nor the ECB will be willing/have to match their recent hawkishness with rate hikes.
No more rate Hikes but not Zeti, High BLR coming.
c) As inflation rolls over in the OECD, the leadership of equity markets should go through a serious adjustment.
KLCI more than serious adjustment with current cucuk conspiracy.