Singapore Tax rate and Malaysia Tax rate

Singapore Tax Rates
S$0 - S$20,000 0.0%
S$20,000 - S$30,000 3.5%
S$30,000 - S$40,000 5.5%
S$40,000 - S$80,000 8.5%
S$80,000 - S$160,000 14.0%
S$160,000 - S$320,000 17.0%
S$320,000 and above 20.0%

Malaysia Tax Rates
RM0 - RM5,000 1% for amount over RM2,500 0% - 0.5%
RM5,000 -RM20,000 RM25 plus 3% for amount over RM5,000 0.5% - 2.375%
RM20,000 - RM35,000 RM475 plus 7% for amount over RM20,000 2.375% - 4.357%
RM35,000 - RM50,000 RM1,525 plus 13% for amount over RM35,000 4.357% - 6.95%
RM50,000 - RM70,000 RM3,475 plus 19% for amount over RM50,000 6.95% - 10.39%
RM70,000 - RM100,000 RM7,275 plus 24% for amount over RM70,000 10.39% - 14.48%
RM100,000 - RM150,000 RM14,475 plus 27% for amount over RM100,000 14.48% - 18.65%
RM150,000 - RM250,000 RM27,975 plus 27% for amount over RM150,000 18.65% - 22%
RM250,000 and above RM54,975 plus 28% for amount over RM250,000 22% - 28%

So if you earn more than 50k, working in Singapore is better. One is 8.5 % and the other one is 19 %. Government already ignore the middle income group.

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