Filed under: ARTICLE (LATEST) 06/03/2009,
Source: sjsandteam

This article is written by sinnerconman

There is no doubt that Kugan was tortured and he was tortured to death by nine to eleven policemen at Taipan Police Station.

Kugan was repeatedly hit by blunt objects all over his body, from the head, neck, the front and back of his trunk, his abdomen, both the upper limbs and the lower limbs. He was slapped, he was kicked and he was punched by as many as eleven people, one after another or altogether repeatedly in a series of frenzy attack on a restrained and defenseless young man. These went on and on, day and night continuously for seven days. The soles of his feet were hit repeatedly with water host and the pain was unbearable, they continued to beat his soles until blisters started to appear.

At the same time he was burned with lighted cigarette butts all over his body. The hissing sounds when the burning iron rods seared into his skin giving smells of burning meat. This was done repeatedly for hours and for days. The ranchers would have treated their cattle with much care and respect but the hides of cattle are different to human skin. The searing pain radiating to the brain producing severe and unbearable pain all over the body, sweats dropping like rain from his body. There were shrieks and there were screams while the demonic police laughed and scorned.

Then his head was pushed into the water, pressed by strong hands. He was struggling to break free and his lungs were about to burst into million pieces, suffocating and then suddenly his head was pulled up. He took a deep breath as the water entered his lungs. He began to chock and cough. Then hot water was poured over his body and he was pushed onto a bed of ice. From hot water onto ice bed, this was a satanic fury.

These series of torture continued second by second, minute by minute, day by day, night by night, in thirst, in hunger, in turmoil, in misery, in fear, in confusion and the pain was unbearable. The internal organs injured with gnawing and tearing pain, mutilating and stabbing pain in every part of the fragile and weakened body. To die was less painful.

In the shadow of darkness, pain, misery and turmoil, Kugan longed for death but in its arbitrarily, death refused to claim him. It looked like it was his destiny. It would seem God had delivered him into the hands of these demonic characters but now they have become the faceless evil in the land of lawlessness. The guardian of the law has broken the laws of this land. The protector of the law has become the oppressor of the weak and the poor. The police have been possessed with demons terrorizing and lording over all,

Finally after an eternity of unbearable pain, the thirst, the hunger and the breakdown of the vital organs, the Angel of Death took pity on him and carried him away to a place of rest, “and the dust returns to the ground and the spirit returns to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

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