KPJ- Warrant Worth to Buy?? Tomolo listing

I think I will buy anything between 90 cents and 1.10.

Leremy: I wanted to ask you when will KPJ be listed on bursa for trading again?
Woman: KPJ will be listed on the 18th or 19th of January again after all this operations is finished.

Leremy: Wow, that is a long time. So when it is relisted, how much will KPJ market share value be? And will KPJ Warrant a cum or ex?
Woman: KPJ will be valued at RM2.60 by the time it is listed, but we hope it could be more. The free warrant will be EX and not cum.

Leremy: So, does this means the free warrant will not dilute the mother share price?
Woman: Yes, it will not.

Leremy: Now, that’s a great news. So how much will the warrant worth?
Woman: If you calculate it, it will worth 90cent, since the exercise price is RM1.70. But with a premium, it should worth more than that.

Leremy: Thank you for all the information, good bye


Below is the details of the warrants.

General Announcement (20100113GA00040)
Stock Code / Short Name 5878 / KPJ
Date & Time Announce 13/01/2010 5:12:00 PM
Subject Profile for Warrants

Instrument Type : Warrants
Description : Warrants issued pursuant to the Free Warrants Issue
Listing Date : 15/01/2010
Issue Date : 11/01/2010
Issue Size in Unit : 131,906,484
Maturity Date : 10/01/2015
Revised Maturity Date :
Exercise/Conversion Period Type : 5 Year(s)
Revised Exercise/Conversion Period Type : 0 Year(s)
Exercise/ Strike/ Conversion Price : MYR 1.7000
Exercise/ Conversion Ratio : 1 Warrant : 1 Ordinary Share of RM0.50 each
Mode of Satisfaction of Exercise/Conversion Price : Cash
Settlement Type/ Convertible into : Physical (Shares)
Remarks : The Warrants are issued to the entitled shareholders of KPJ
Healthcare Berhad ("KPJ") on the basis of one (1) Free Warrant for every four
(4) ordinary share of RM0.50 each in KPJ ("Shares") after accounting for
subdivision of every existing one (1) ordinary share of RM1.00 each in KPJ into
two (2) new Shares in KPJ and bonus issue of 105,525,280 Shares.
Each Warrant carries the entitlement, at any time from the Issue Date to the
close of business at 5.00 p.m. in Malaysia on the Maturity Date ("Exercise
Period"), to subscribe for one (1) new Share in KPJ at the Exercise Price which
shall be satisfied fully in cash. Any Warrant not exercised during the Exercise
Period will lapse and thereafter cease to be valid for any purpose.

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