Property seminar by MIchael Tan - Freemen Part 2

From this seminar, I learnt about my OWN pension fund.

Here is the calculation:

WHAT YOUR NUMBER??? ( retirement)

DESIRED INCOME (DI) =  ( the amount of money you hope to have every month when you retired)
CUrrent AGE (CA) =
RETirement AGE (RA)=
Passing ON AGE (POA) = ( when you will go HOLLAND)

Pension fund =  (POA -RA) x DI x 12 = annually 


DI = 10 k /month
CA = 30 yrs old
RA = 60 yrs old
POA = 80 yrs old ( when you expected to dead)

My pension fund will be = (80 - 60) *10 000 *12 = 2,4000, 000 =  2.4 million

In order to achieve this, I can leverage on property.

Let use back the part 1 formula:

DI x 12 x100%  = 8%
Property $

Property $ = 1,500, 000 = 1.5 million 

By using property, I just need to have 1.5 million instead of 2.4 million.

Further more, when you buy property, you just have to pay 10%, 90% pay by bank.

So, 10 % of 1.5 million is just 150 k.

Now the number chop to smaller pieces and the number is more achievable.

So start NOW and INVEST in property.

I am still looking for good property to invest which can give me 8%. If you have any LUBANG, kindly let me know.

Let's achieve financial freedom together.

Any thought? Let's share together.