Rumours on KLSE

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Will you buy because of rumours???

If I choose, I will choose KELADI, I already have 10 biji at 0.26 bought long long time ago. If you sudden see SURGE of VOLUME AND PRICE, just hantam.

Lowest 0.155, highest 0.20

PICORP (UEM takeover 0.35)

Must buy! QUOTE PICORP had disposed loss making project at Sudan on last financial year which caused the big loss. However, this year the company able to secure more projects & continue secure advantage of concession with the government for environment control. 

Below is the financial results of PICORP:

KELADI (Rumour of received letter of privatize)

Must buy! By major shareholder Tan Sri Dato Tan Hua Choon.Offer price range from min 0.26 to max 0.40. This is the very good news since I hold in my portfolio for it for many years & received many time of dividend. Currently KELADI holding about MYR70 mil cash without any debt.

Below is the financial results of KELADI: