MPKj application for house renovation

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The department referred to is Jabatan Bangunan Lvl 5.

Basically the following is my procedure:

1) Buy the Guideline Booklet w/ Application form. This booklet is essential, contained application form, document check list, fee reference and standard plans - RM20.00

2) Submit the document required as follow:
b) S&P
c) Master CF
d) Cukai Taksiran receipt
e) Copy of the standard plan. (They will guide on which plan to use from the booklet)
f) Photo for the front and back of the house with date printed (shall not more than 7 days from the application date)
g) Disposal tank rental receipt. (MPKj required us to used their selected disposal company with a standard fee of RM250.00)

3) Total Fee incurred:
a) Booklet: RM20.00
b) Disposal tank rental fee: RM250.00 (should be able to claim from the contractor)
c) Deposit: RM500.00 (refundable, subject to inspection of the officer upon completion)
d) Std Plan fee: RM50. (RM50 per page, since my reno only involve first floor)
e) Processing fee: RM60.00
f) Lighting arrestor: RM10.00 ( I think this is non-sense, but have to pay lar)
Total fee: RM890.00
Fee expect to be reimburse later: RM500.00 + RM250.00 = RM750.00
Net Fee: RM140.00

The government officer is very efficient nowadays, only 24 hours is required for approval. Most of the con-man contractor will use such a trick, saying that need under table money to expedite the process, which is going to be in his own pocket end of the day.

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