Puchong IOI mall flash flood

This one keng, similar to kajang flash flood.

Can you claim insurance for your car damage due to flash flood???

NOPE unless u buy additional coverage.

What you get with our comprehensive car insurance cover

  • Windscreen
    With this cover, any claims for breakage of windscreen or any windows glass on your car will not affect your No Claims Discount(NCD). In addition, excess will not apply. The premium is 15% of the windscreen value.
  • Flood
    Your motor policy does not cover damage by flood. The premium for this additional cover is 0.50% of your vehicle sum insured.
  • Strike, Riot, Civil Commotion
    The premium for this coverage is 0.30% on the vehicle sum insured.
  • Named Driver
    Premium for each additional Named Driver will be RM10 (individual policy holders only).
  • Legal liability to Passengers (LLTP)
    LLTP is available at 25% of Third Party premium. Please note that the LLTP cover is compulsory for vehicles going into Singapore.
Source: http://aam.org.my/content.php?id=22&lang_id=1

What is the additional coverage under this policy?
Windscreen Cover: Protects against breakage of glass in your car's windscreen or window (Your No Claim Discount will not be affected by such claim and any excess under the policy would not reply)
Car Accessories Cover: Protects against loss or damage to specific accessories (Your No Claim Discount will not be affected by such claim and any excess under the policy would not reply)
Additional Drivers Cover: Extends insurance coverage to additional named drivers
Special Perils Cover: Protects against damage to your car caused by Flood, Typhoon, Hurricane or Storm
Public Disorder Cover: Protects against loss or damage to your car caused by strike, riot or civil commotion
Legal Liability Of Passengers: Protects against any legal liability acts of negligence brought against your passengers
Legal Liability To Passengers: Protects you against any legal liability brought against you by any of your passengers (This coverage is compulsory if you drive your car in Singapore.)
What are the common circumstances that are unacceptable to make a claim?
The authorised driver does not possess the appropriate class of license
Loss or Damage :-
Caused by driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Caused by unlawful use of the car by any authorised driver
To the car caused by Public Disorder (strike, riot and civil commotion)
Caused by Flood (unless extended)
Resulting from using in motorsports or competitions (i.e. hill-climbing test, rallies)
When a car breaks down and is deserted without precautions to prevent further
Damage or liability that occurs outside of Malaysia, Singapore or Negara Brunei Darussalam

Source: http://www.etiqa.com.my/English/Insurance/products/Personal/car/private%20car%20insurance/Pages/default.aspx