My baby boy diarrhea

My baby boy still diarrhea.

A check from the internet causes of diarrhea:

I think my boy is the highlight part:

I am buying NOVOLAC AD milk powder for him from pharmacy, RM 30 for 250g.

What causes diarrhea?

The list of possibilities is long. Your baby's diarrhea could be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It might also be the result of a parasite, a course of antibiotics, or something he ate.

Viral infection
Any number of viruses — like the rotovirus, adenovirus, calicivirus, astrovirus, and influenza — can cause diarrhea, as well as vomitingabdominal painfever, chills, and achiness.

Bacterial infection
Bacteria — such as salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus, campylobacter, or E. coli — can also be responsible for diarrhea. If your baby has a bacterial infection, he may have severe diarrhea, accompanied by cramps, blood in his stool, and a fever. (He may or may not be vomiting.)

Some bacterial infections clear up on their own, but some, like that from the E. coli that can be found in undercooked meat and other food sources, can be very serious. So if your baby has these symptoms, take him to the doctor. She'll examine him and probably evaluate a stool culture for signs of a bacterial infection.

Ear infection
In some cases, an ear infection (which may be viral or bacterial) can be the culprit in a bout of diarrhea. If this is the case, you may also notice that your baby is fussy and pulling on his ears. He may also be vomiting and have a poor appetite, and he may have recently had a cold.

Parasitic infections can also cause diarrhea. Giardiasis, for example, is caused by a microscopic parasite that lives in the bowel. Symptoms may include gas, bloating, diarrhea, and greasy stools. These kinds of infections are easily spread in group-care situations, and treatment involves special medicine, so your baby will need to see the doctor.

If your baby has diarrhea during or after a course of antibiotics, it may be related to the medicine, which kills off good bacteria in the intestines along with the problem-causing bacteria. Talk to his doctor about alternatives and remedies, but don't stop giving any prescribed medication to your baby until his doctor gives you the go-ahead.

Too much juice
Too much juice (especially fruit juice containing sorbitol and high levels of fructose) or too many sweetened drinks can upset a baby's tummy and cause him to have loose stools. Cutting back the amount should solve the problem in a week or so. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that you not give your baby fruit juice before the age of 6 months. After that, give him no more than 4 ounces a day.

Improperly mixed formula can also cause diarrhea, so make sure you're adding the right amount of water when you mix your baby's formula.

Food allergy
  • Call 911 if your baby is having trouble breathing or has swelling of his face or lips.
food allergy (in which the body's immune system responds to normally harmless food proteins) can cause mild or severe reactions — immediately or within a couple of hours. Symptoms might include diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, and blood in the stool. In more severe cases, an allergy can also cause hives, a rash, swelling, and breathing difficulty.

Milk protein is the most common food allergen. (Your baby shouldn't drink cow's milk until after his first birthday, but formula made with cow's milk or food made with a dairy product — once he's eating solids — can cause a reaction, if your baby's allergic. In some cases, so can breast milk, if the mother has been eating dairy products.) Other common food allergens (most of which your baby won't yet have on his menu) include eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. If you think your baby might have a food allergy, talk with his doctor.
Food intolerance

Unlike a food allergy, a food intolerance (sometimes called a food sensitivity) is an abnormal reaction that does not involve the immune system. One example of a food sensitivity is lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance is very unusual in babies, but if your baby is lactose intolerant, it means his body isn't producing enough lactase, the enzyme necessary to digest lactose, the sugar in cow's milk and other dairy products. When the undigested lactose stays in the intestine, it can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramping, bloating, and gas. Symptoms usually start half an hour to two hours after consuming milk products.

By the way, if your baby has a severe case of diarrhea, he may temporarily have trouble producing lactase, and as a result he might have symptoms of lactose intolerance for a week or two.

If your baby has diarrhea and is vomiting and you think he may have swallowed some kind of nonfood item like a medication, chemical, or plant, call the Poison Control Center right away (800-222-1222). Call 911 if he becomes unconscious or is having trouble breathing. Other symptoms may include fatigue and convulsions.

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