Being Frugal not CHEAP

Below article really echo what I do.

My wife always say I kiam siap, stingy ... bla blah

I am not cheap but being FRUGAL.



I am still driving a proton saga iswara for 5 years already without paying installment, which mean I do not have CAR DEBT.

Can I afford to buy a better car - POLO SEDAN or JETTA or NISSAN ALMEERA????
YES, I can AFFORD but do I NEED it??


I have just watched Transformer 4: Age of Extinction on Wednesday, the ticket price is RM 10 compare to weekend RM 18.

Beside saving on movie ticket, I also save on my CAR PARK ticket which I park opposite at ECONSAVE. I watch at CHERAS SELATAN AEON which save me RM 2.

Can I afford to pay RM 18 movie ticket??
YES, I can AFFORD a 3D or IMAX ticket.


I like to eat carbury chocholate. Normal price RM 7.40, Billion is selling RM 5.99, I save RM 1.40.


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