2024 Income Tax Relief oh 2024 Income Tax Relief

Left 3 months, which one I not yet do to claim personal tax relief:


In 2024, Malaysia has introduced several personal income tax relief measures aimed at reducing the financial burden on individuals and families. These measures cover various aspects such as education, insurance, retirement savings, and expenses related to children and parents. Below are the detailed tax reliefs available for individuals, their spouses, children, and parents.

i) Personal and Spousal Tax Reliefs
Personal Education Fees: RM7,000
Higher education or postgraduate tuition fees.
Self-improvement courses (limited to RM2,000) [extended until 2026].
Spouse Relief or Alimony: RM4,000
For a non-income-earning spouse living together.
Alimony paid to a former wife (requires a formal agreement).
Life insurance: RM3,000 for premiums paid for oneself or spouse.
Social Security Organization (SOCSO) + Employment Insurance System (EIS): RM350.
Private Retirement Scheme (PRS): RM3,000
Contributions to PRS and insurance premiums.
PRS tax relief extended until 2025.
Employees Provident Fund (EPF): RM4,000
Contributions to one’s EPF.
Child Tax Reliefs
Child Support
RM2,000 for children under 18 years old.
RM8,000 for unmarried children over 18 who are still in education, including full-time students, pre-university, bachelor’s degree, and above.
Breastfeeding Equipment: RM1,000
For female taxpayers with children under 2 years old.
This relief can be claimed once every two years.
Childcare or Preschool Fees: RM3,000
For children under 6 years old.
Childcare centers or kindergartens must be registered with the Social Welfare Department or the Ministry of Education.
National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN): RM8,000 [extended until 2024]
Net savings deposited into SSPN accounts for children.

ii) Parental Tax Reliefs
Medical Expenses for Parents: RM8,000
Includes medical, special care, or nursing expenses.
Complete medical examination (limited to RM1,000) [2024 Budget].
Note: Tax relief for caring for parents has been removed.
Family Tax Reliefs (Including Personal, Spousal, and Child)
Education or Medical Insurance: RM3,000
Premiums for education and medical insurance.
Serious Medical Expenses: RM10,000
Includes fertility treatment for married couples.
Complete medical examination (limited to RM1,000).
Vaccination expenses (limited to RM1,000).
Expenses for children with learning disabilities (limited to RM4,000), including:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
Intellectual Disability
Down Syndrome
Specific Learning Disabilities, etc.
Dental check-ups or treatments [2024 Budget] by dentists registered with the Malaysian Dental Council.
Applicable for oneself, spouse, or children.

iii) Lifestyle RM 2,500

Books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and other similar publications.
Purchase of personal computers, smartphones, or tablets.
Payment of monthly internet subscription fees.
Self-improvement courses.
Purchase of sports equipment (expenses deducted under sports equipment category).
Subscription to gym membership fees (expenses deducted under sports equipment category).

iv) Sports Equipment RM 1,000 [2024 Budget]

Purchase of sports equipment, rental/use of sports equipment, and fees for participating in sports competitions.
Subscription to gym membership fees.
Sports course fees.

v) Expenses related to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging facilities RM 2,500

Includes installation, rental, lease-purchase of equipment, or subscription fees (extended until 2027).
Tax Relief for Disabled Persons

i) Self-disabled RM 6,000

ii) Spouse is disabled RM 5,000

iii) Raising disabled children RM 6,000: Children under 18 years old still receiving education.

iv) Purchase of basic assistive devices for self, spouse, children, or parents who are disabled RM 6,000