Maximize Your After-Work Hours oh Maximize Your After-Work Hours


In today’s fast-paced world, everyone works the same hours, but what truly determines your success is how you utilize the 2 to 3 hours after work. Making the most of this time can significantly impact your personal and professional growth. According to Professor Brendan Burchell from Cambridge University, there are effective ways to upgrade yourself during these crucial hours.

  1. Podcasts: The best “me time” activity that can help you learn and grow.
  2. Reading: Dive into books or articles that expand your knowledge and skills.
  3. Online Courses: Enroll in courses that can provide you with new qualifications or enhance your current expertise.

For more information on Professor Burchell’s research, you can visit this link.

Which one will I choose?



1. 高盛播客GS Podcast: 2. Himalaya喜马拉雅国际版听书,點這裡領取Himalaya 14天免費VIP: 3. Bloomberg Survillance:


By incorporating these activities into your daily routine, you can make the most of your after-work hours and set yourself on a path to continuous improvement and success. Remember, it’s not just about the hours you work, but how you choose to spend your time beyond them that truly counts.