If you like tenaga, I think tenaga-c2 not bad.

Type:Call Warrants
Listing Date:Dec 26, 2012
Maturity Date:Dec 31, 2013
Issue Size:50,000,000
Exercise Price:MYR 6.90
Ratio:5 : 1
Underlying Stock:TENAGA
Avg Volume (4 weeks):79,490
4 Weeks Range:0.26 - 0.375
2 Weeks Range:0.10 - 0.37

Morgan Stanley sees TNB posting RM1b in 3Q profit, up 65% yoy
Business & Markets 2013
Written by Ho Wah Foon of theedgemalaysia.com   
Thursday, 11 July 2013 13:47
KUALA LUMPUR (July 11): Morgan Stantley (MS) Research said today it expects TENAGA NASIONAL BHD [] (TNB) to post strong earnings in its third quarter results, scheduled to be released on July 18.

In a report, Morgan Stanley said TNB is estimated to post a net profit of RM1.022 billion for its third quarter ended May 31, 2013, which would be a 65% year-on-year rise.

In the third quarter of the last financial year, TNB recorded a net profit of RM619 million.

Giving TNB an “overweight” rating, Morgan Stanley said its share price has a 16% upside.

“Over the next 10 days, 14 companies from Morgan Stanley’s coverage across ASEAN are scheduled to report earnings. MS analysts estimate strong YoY earnings growth for Tenaga Nasional,” said MS in a statement today.

It added it also expects to see strong earnings from Bank of Ayudhya and Siam Commercial Bank, but weak YoY earnings growth for Vard Holdings, CapitaMall Trust and CapitaCommercial Trust.

In a table in the MS statement, TNB is ranked top among the Morgan Stanley’s Three Stocks With Strong Forecast Earnings Growth (YoY) in Q2F13.

TNB posted net profit of RM1.27 billion in the second quarter ended Feb 28, 2013, on revenue of RM8.85 billion.

The power giant had said the positive results then were due to steady demand and the strengthening of ringgit against yen.

In the first six months to end-February, TNB reported RM2.68 billion in net profit on revenue of RM17.98 billion. TNB's first six-month core EPS had beaten expectations, rising 28.7% year-on-year due to strong demand and lower cost.

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