My wife last week told me that she have a lump in her right breast. The lump already with her for 7 years. So I bring her to see gynae and take an ulrasound. The doctor say it called "Breast Mouse", only 1.5 cm.
What is it?

Fibroadenoma (Breast ‘Mouse’)
A fibroadenoma usually appears as a well-defined, firm lump in the breast. They are often very mobile, hence the name breast ‘mouse’. These benign lumps represent an alteration in the normal development of the breast and are dependent on the sex hormone oestrogen. Fibroadenomas can occur as a single lump, as multiple lumps, and can even occur in both breasts. They can grow rapidly, especially in adolescent girls, and if they reach a size greater than 5 cm in diameter they are known as giant fibroadenomas.Fibroadenomas can occur at any age but are most commonly found in younger women, usually between 15 and 30 years of age.