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Here is the big wondering, why no talk about how much money Tricubes will make, and what constitutes supernormal profits. Assuming that there are 7m taxpayers, and you forcibly assign our name and IC as the username so that you get 7m email accounts automatically (e.g. Siva_A/
Hence the tax office can send you notices, accounts summary or even summons, and they will make it that once sent by email, its considered delivered, so you got no choice but to check your brand new email account, even though you already have 5 email accounts ... company email, yahoo, gmail, facebook, and now another one.
So, now we forcibly have the mass database, you can imagine just how much money if the tax office, and/or NRD, even the Road Transport, or even more departments ... send you something ... I bloody well hope they never send us festive greetings as well, unless revenue at Tricubes is deemed to be falling short, I guess.
Back to supernormal profits, none is elaborated. Assume you managed to force open 7m accounts and you charge 50 sen an email, conservatively two departments send one mail a month = 2 x 50 sen x 12 x 7m = RM84m a year conservatively. Fuck me silly, thats the easiest way to rob the public.
If its costing just RM50m to implement the system, there should be a proper rate of return, something akin to build, operate and transfer ... then sellback option to the government. Not fair to have the government (our money) paying RM100m a year at the barest minimum year after year.
There should be a term sheet that details: amount invested by Tricubes RM50m; Set them KPIs, they must deliver an unlimited email account like gmail, link up with NRD and get the 7m or 10m accounts set up, before they even get any fees; Once fees start flowing in, Tricubes will only get to keep RM100m of revenue; beyond that all fees are waived forever. Tricubes will get paid a reasonable fee to maintain the system on a yearly basis, say RM5m a year.
Say la something like that, then no one will even second guess the government's intentions or the reciepient's credibility in getting the project. If anyone tells me 100% return is not enough, please justify la, I am sure we can put this up for a tender and see what bids we get.