Guessing What is the Latest Samgang XXX?

I am guessing the XXX suggest by uncle sam: SAPCREST

Last week price:
Date 18-3-2009
Vol (lots) 55514
Close : 0.700
Date: 17-3-2009
Volume: 20134
Close: 0.670
Date: 12-3-2009
Volume: 13959
Close: 0.615

Uncle Sam said:
"u know I hv placed my buy order @ 0.60 4 5lots last week..kan na sai...couldnt get it...chow kai liaooo" I think should be 12 kua.

Fundamental: Petrol keep going up. Seadril Effect. Maybe I am wrong.

SEADRILL Ltd, one of the world's leading players in the oil and rig industry has emerged as a substantial shareholder in SapuraCrest Petroleum Bhd.